
Etoile News



アメリカから3名、イギリスより1名の生徒が1年留学から帰国しました。長い1年間、つらいこともあれば、思うようにいかなかったこともあればといろいろ大変なこともあったかと思います。 でも、たくさんの友人ができ、日本にいては学ぶことができないことをいっぱい経験したり、そして何よりも英語がペラペラなって帰ってきたことは何事にもかえられないものだと思います。


国際コース 2年I組 戸邉 香奈実

Good morning, teachers and students. I’m Kanami Tobe. I hope some people are still remembering me. I went to Valley Christian High School in California for study abroad last year. I'll talk about my experiences and things that I learned during the study abroad. At the first day of my school, I was crazy about talking to others even though I was so nervous in front of the strangers because I couldn’t speak English well. Probably, Japanese people think American high school life is just fun. But some people are not nice to us in actual fact. So anyhow, I made a desperate effort to make new friends. In consequence, I made really good friends in Valley Christian and some other schools. And, I had marvelous days thanked to them. It was the hardest part on my stay. I did many things that I could. For example, I participated in basketball team and Track team, during my stay in Valley Christian High School as a student. I still can’t believe that I continued to join in sports team a whole year because I had never joined sport team until then. Furthermore, I went lots of places by myself . For to do not regret. This experience trained my mind and strength. The different places gave me a chance to change my life. Through this program, I became an energetic and a strong parson. I am grateful to every one who supported me for this program. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for listening.

アメリカのバレークリスチャンハイスクールへの留学から帰ってきました、2年I組の戸邉 香奈実です。 私がバレークリスチャンで過ごした10ヶ月は良いことも、悪いことも含め、私にとって途轍もなく価値のある経験になりました。 私の夢であった長期の留学を実現させてくださった皆様に心より感謝の言葉を申し上げます。本当に有難うございました。残りの高校生活をこの品川エトワールで一生後悔しない、素晴らしいものにしていければと思います。

国際コース 3年I組 堀内 夏海

I came back from England on 5th July. Before going to England, I thought that to study abroad would be fun but I was wrong.
 At first I encountered many difficulties and whenever I was confronted with a difficulty, I felt sad and frustrated,but my house mistresses and teachers helped me and also I went to language school and I gradually gained confidence to speak in English, so I could overcome many difficulties. I had a really good time studying in England after all. I'd like you to study abroad if you have an opportunity. You must have a good time and also get something precious things.